Home > Ingredients > Brewing Hops > Continental Aroma Hops

Groene Bel

Belgium / Pellet Hops / 4.9%


Groene Bel or Green Belle as it is otherwise known, is a long-lost Belgian hop that likely came about via clonal selection from native Aalst hops in the late 19th century or early 20th century. After World War II, Groene Bel all but vanished from hop production in Belgium after it was replaced by Czech and German favorites, Saaz and Hallertau. Although Groene Bel is no longer commercially produced, it has been used for breeding aroma hops in Zalec, Slovenia during the 1970’s. Its high humulene content is said to result in a pleasing, continental aroma.

Groene Bel substitution list

Last updated on Sept. 18, 2023, 9:37 p.m.

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