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Chocolate (350°L) - substitution

Fermentables > Roasted Malts



Examples and substitutes:
Name Supplier Country Color, °L
Best Chocolate Bestmalz Germany 338.0
Blackswaen Chocolate B The Swaen Netherlands 338.0
Light Roast Joe White Australia 338.0
Шоколадный солод Приволжская мельница Russian Federation 338.0
Black Pearl Patagonia Chile 340.0
Chocolate Ireks Germany 340.0
De-Husked Caraf I None Germany 340.0
Perla Negra BSG United States 340.0
Roasted Barley Barrett Burston Australia 340.0
Roasted Barley Viking Finland 340.0
Mroost 900 Md Chocolate Malt Dingemans Belgium 340.0
Carafa Special Type I Weyermann Germany 350.0
Chocolate Malt Proximity United States 350.0
Chocolate Malt Muntons United Kingdom 350.0
Blackswaen Chocolate W The Swaen Netherlands 350.0
Dehusked Carafa I Malt Weyermann Germany 350.0
Chocolate Malt Briess United States 350.0
Moonlight Serenade Troubador Malting United States 350.0
Organic Chocolate Malt Briess United States 350.0
Шоколадный 900 Курский солод Russian Federation 350.0
Light Chocolate Malt Gladfield New Zealand 355.0
Chocolat Soufflet Russian Federation 375.0
Blackswaen Barley The Swaen Netherlands 400.0
Blackswaen Black W The Swaen Netherlands 400.0
Dark Chocolate Proximity United States 400.0
M Chocolate BA Malt 400.0
Chocolate Voyager Craft Malt Australia 406.0
Beer Recipes with Chocolate (350°L):
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