Irish Stout (Basic recipe)

29 марта 2023 г. 12:55

A black beer with a pronounced roasted flavor, often similar to coffee. The balance can range from fairly even to quite bitter, with the more balanced versions having a little malty sweetness and the bitter versions being quite

Irish Red Ale (Basic recipe)

29 марта 2023 г. 12:54

An easy-drinking pint, often with subtle flavors. Slightly malty in the balance sometimes with an initial soft toffee or caramel sweetness, a slightly grainy-biscuity palate, and a touch of roasted dryness in the finish.

Scottish Export (Basic recipe)

29 марта 2023 г. 12:54

A moderate-strength, malty beer with light caramel, toast, toffee, and fruit flavors. A slight roast dryness offsets the residual sweetness in the finish, with the bitterness perceived only to keep the beer from being cloying.<

Scottish Heavy (Basic recipe)

29 марта 2023 г. 12:54

Traditional ingredients were dextrinous pale ale malt, corn, dark brewing sugars, and brewers caramel for coloring. Modern (post-WWII) recipes often add small amounts of dark malt and lower percentages of crystal malt, along wi

Scottish Light (Basic recipe)

29 марта 2023 г. 12:54

Traditional ingredients were dextrinous pale ale malt, corn, dark brewing sugars, and brewers caramel for coloring. Modern (post-WWII) recipes often add small amounts of dark malt and lower percentages of crystal malt, along wi

Dark Mild (Basic recipe)

29 марта 2023 г. 12:54

A dark, low-gravity, malt-focused British session ale readily suited to drinking in quantity. Refreshing, yet flavorful for its strength, with a wide range of dark malt or dark sugar expression.

OG: 1.030 – 1.0

Australian Sparkling Ale (Basic recipe)

29 марта 2023 г. 12:53

A well-balanced, pale, highly-carbonated, and refreshing ale suitable for drinking in a hot climate. Fairly bitter, with a moderate herbal-spicy hop and pome fruit ester profile. Smooth, neutral malt flavors with a fuller body

Strong Bitter (Basic recipe)

29 марта 2023 г. 12:53

An average-strength to moderately-strong British bitter ale. The balance may vary between fairly even between malt and hops to somewhat bitter. Drinkability is a critical component of the style. A rather broad style that allows

Best Bitter (Basic recipe)

29 марта 2023 г. 12:53

A flavorful, yet refreshing, session beer. Some examples can be more malt balanced, but this should not override the overall bitter impression. Drinkability is a critical component of the style.

OG: 1.040 – 1.0

Ordinary Bitter (Basic recipe)

29 марта 2023 г. 12:52

Low gravity, alcohol, and carbonation make this an easy-drinking session beer. The malt profile can vary in flavor and intensity, but should never override the overall bitter impression. Drinkability is a critical component of


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