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Caramel 20L - substitution

Fermentables > Caramel & Crystal Malts



Examples and substitutes:
Name Supplier Country Color, °L
Château Abbey Castle Malting Belgium 18.0
Cara Malt Barrett Burston Australia 18.0
Château Monastique Castle Malting Belgium 18.0
Prox Red Proximity United States 18.0
Best Caramel Aromatic Bestmalz Germany 19.0
Cara 20 (Caravienne) Malt Dingemans Belgium 19.0
Château Cara Ruby Castle Malting Belgium 19.0
Crystal Malt 50 None 19.0
Goldswaen Red The Swaen Netherlands 19.0
Кара50 Курский солод Russian Federation 19.0
Caramel 20L Malt Briess United States 20.0
Brumalt Great Western United States 20.0
CaraVienna Franco-Belges Belgium 20.0
Caravienne 20 Proximity United States 20.0
Caramel Vienne 20L Malt  Briess United States 20.0
Ny Caramel 20 1886 Malt House United States 20.0
Caramel 50 Malt (20L) Viking Finland 20.0
Caramel / Crystal 20L None 20.0
Cara 50 Md Dingemans Belgium 20.0
Swaen Amber The Swaen Netherlands 20.0
Organic C-20L Malt Briess United States 20.0
Caramalt Joe White Australia 21.0
Cara 20L None 22.0
Pale Crystal Malt Thomas Fawcett United Kingdom 23.0
Premium English Caramalt Simpsons United Kingdom 23.0
Caramel Sweet Viking Finland 24.0
Beer Recipes with Caramel 20L:
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