Home > Ingredients > Brewing Hops

British Aroma Hops group


An aromatic hop of English origin, used to add aroma to beer and added primarily in the middle or end of the wort boil

Examples and substitutes:
Name Type Country α, %%L
Boadicea Pellet Hops United Kingdom 8.5
Bramling Pellet Hops United Kingdom 5.8
Early Bird Pellet Hops United Kingdom 5.7
East Kent Golding Pellet Hops United Kingdom 5.2
Fuggles Pellet Hops United Kingdom 7.7
Janus Pellet Hops United Kingdom 5.1
Progress Pellet Hops United Kingdom 6.3
Beer Recipes with British Aroma Hops:
Guinness Draught сlassic recipe clone
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