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Caramel 80L - substitution

Fermentables > Caramel & Crystal Malts



Examples and substitutes:
Name Supplier Country Color, °L
Greenwich Crystal Malt Bairds United Kingdom 75.0
Crystal 75L Great Western United States 75.0
Caramel 200 Malt Viking Finland 75.0
Cara 200 MD Dingemans Belgium 75.0
Chateau Cara Terra Castle Malting Belgium 75.0
CaraBohemian None Germany 75.0
Medium Crystal Bairds United Kingdom 75.0
Cara Plus 150 Viking Finland 76.0
Cara Plus 200 Viking Finland 76.0
Caramel 150 Viking Finland 76.0
Crystal 77L Malt Crisp Malting United Kingdom 77.0
Caramel 80L Malt Briess United States 80.0
Kilned Caramel 80L Rahr United States 80.0
Caramel Munich 80 Franco-Belges Belgium 80.0
Crystal 80 Proximity United States 80.0
Medium Caramel / Crystal 80L Bairds United Kingdom 80.0
Dark Crystal 80L None United Kingdom 80.0
Dark Crystal Malt Barrett Burston Australia 80.0
Кара200 Курский солод Russian Federation 80.0
Goldswaen Brown The Swaen Netherlands 83.0
Dark Crystal Malt Fawcett United Kingdom 85.0
Dark Crystal Malt Joe White Australia 85.0
Deep Diver (Dark Crystal C80) Pauls Malt United Kingdom 85.0
Caramel 90L Malt Briess United States 90.0
Château Cafe Light Castle Malting Belgium 90.0
C90 Origin Malt United States 90.0
Caramel 90L Patagonia Chile 90.0
Marron Soufflet Russian Federation 90.0
Cara Plus 250 Viking Finland 94.0
Crystal Malt 250 Viking Finland 94.0
Dark Crystal Malt Gladfield New Zealand 96.0
Crystal 100 Root Shoot Malting United States 100.0
Beer Recipes with Caramel 80L:
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