A very pale, highly attenuated, strong Belgian ale that is more fruity and hoppy than spicy. Complex and delicate, the dry finish, light body, and high carbonation accentuate the yeast and hop character. Sparkling carbonation and effervescent, forming a rocky white head.
OG: 1.070 – 1.095
FG: 1.005 – 1.016
ABV: 7.5 – 10.5%
SRM: 3 – 6
IBUs: 22 – 35
Стиль Пива: Belgisches Golden Strong Ale
Chargengröße 0 L // Brühmethode Alles Getreide // Сложность рецепта ???
НП, Р | НП, sg | КП, Р | КП, sg | Алк | Bittere | Farbe, SRM |
??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
Зерновой | % в насыпи | Размер, кг |
??? | ||
Hopfen | α, % | Размер, г | AAU | Add | Кипячение, мин |
??? | |||||
Würzekochen | Размер, г |
- | |
Hefe | Пачек |
??? | |
29. März 2023 13:04
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