Often called Spice Beer, regardless of whether spices, herbs, or vegetables are used.
An appealing fusion of spices, herbs, or vegetables and beer, but still recognizable as beer. The spices, herbs, or vegetables character should be evident but in balance with the beer, not so forward as to suggest an artificial product.
Стиль Пива: Gewürz-, Kräuter- oder Gemüsebier
Chargengröße 0 L // Brühmethode Alles Getreide // Сложность рецепта ???
НП, Р | НП, sg | КП, Р | КП, sg | Алк | Bittere | Farbe, SRM |
??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
Зерновой | % в насыпи | Размер, кг |
??? | ||
Hopfen | α, % | Размер, г | AAU | Add | Кипячение, мин |
??? | |||||
Würzekochen | Размер, г |
- | |
Hefe | Пачек |
??? | |
29. März 2023 15:31
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