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Atlas Pale Malt (Latrobe)

Базовые солода

Voyager Craft Malt / Australia


malt was designed as a lighter style continental type pale malt, suitable for use in specialty lagers and lighter style ales. This versatile, fully modified malt is made exclusively from low protein, Latrobe variety barley, grown by Jamie Kite on his 4th generation family farm ‘Bugong’ Binya, in the Western Riverina of NSW. An extended, cooler germination is employed to promote even modification. Voyager Craft Malt are a small, independent family owned Malthouse located in the heart of the Riverina area in New South Wales

Atlas Pale Malt (Latrobe) чем заменить

Обновлено 3 мая 2023 г. 19:44

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