Janet | 7 сентября 2021 г. 15:00
This entry came about in collaboration with a very special beer connoisseur from London who has grown up using IPAs in his daily life and has now had many years of experience.
With over 20 years experience brewing in the UK, this homebrew enthusiast has produced the perfect balance of hops, malt and hops that ensures the aroma of his IPA is completely pleasing.
Aged for 9 months in French oak, this beer has won my heart over. The aroma that comes from the beer is incredibly pleasant, and the slightly peppery tones of the hops blend perfectly with the slightly sweet malt. The mild roast character from the malts plays off the bitterness that comes from the hops really well and this is evident in the way each
beer is balanced. As you taste the fruit in the beer, it really does open up and reveals its beauty rather quickly. If I was to give it only one thing, it would be this: don't
be scared by the alcohol as its presence indicates that this beer is not at all what its appearance may suggest.
If you are a fan of Double / Imperial IPAs, it would be hard to go wrong trying one of these at the moment.
When it comes to this particular style, the aroma and taste of this IPA is best appreciated by those who are able to appreciate a complex fruity aroma. The flavour is pretty much the same, but the hop character is actually able to take centre stage and create a beautiful balance that actually comes off well, with the bitter hops keeping the bitterness in check. If not perfectly balanced, this IPA could actually ruin beer for you. This is a beer for a real beer connoisseur.
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