Brett Beer (basic recipe)


Recipe Impression

Most often drier and fruitier than the base style suggests. Fruity or funky notes range from low to high,  depending on the age of the beer and strains of Brett used. May possess a light non-lactic acidity.

The name American Wild Ale is commonly used by craft brewers and homebrewers. However, the word Wild does not imply that these beers are necessarily spontaneously-fermented; rather, it indicates that they are influenced by microbes other than traditional brewer’s yeasts, or perhaps that they are mixed-fermentation beers. The use of the word American does not mean that the beer has to be based on a Classic Style American beer style, or that the methods are solely practiced in the United States.

Related Style: Brett Beer

Batch size: 0 L // Brew method: All Grain // Recipe complex rating: ???

Target Statistics
OG, P OG, sg FG, P FG, sg ABV, % IBU SRM
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
Grain % in bulk Size, kg


Hops α, % Size, g AAU Add Boil, min


Extras Size, g


Yeasts Packs


Recipe description

Last updated on

March 29, 2023, 3:28 p.m.


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