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Caramel 140L - substitution

Fermentables > Caramel & Crystal Malts



Examples and substitutes:
Name Supplier Country Color, °L
Двойной обжарки Курский солод Russian Federation 130.0
CaraAroma Weyermann Germany 140.0
Caramel 140L Patagonia Chile 140.0
Caramelo 140 BA Malt 140.0
Crystal 150L Great Western United States 150.0
Dark Crystal Muntons United Kingdom 150.0
Crystal 150 Proximity United States 150.0
Goldswaen Aroma The Swaen Netherlands 150.0
Special B Castle Malting Belgium 150.0
Caramel 300 Viking Finland 152.0
Goldswaen Brown Light The Swaen Netherlands 180.0
Caramel 190L Patagonia Chile 190.0
Beer Recipes with Caramel 140L:
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